Brahma Tal, Kumaun
A trek is a rejuvenating experience. Day by day, mile by mile, you become leaner and fitter, slowly peeling away the constraints of modern life. Time for once is on your side and you have the privileged opportunity to immerse yourself in ‘the naked mountains and the blessed sunshine and the merry rosy people’.
-The Himalayan letters by Robert and Katherine Barrett
Book Reviews
It is an art, and necessity for some, to write about their mountain experiences. It may a book, and these books take many forms and are a record for perpetuity. Most people face a paucity of time or inclination to read many books, as the literature is vast.
Thus, a Book Review, in a major newspaper, magazine or especially in a mountaineering Journal allows many readers to enjoy the essence of that book and make up their mind about reading it in full or adding it to their library.
Hardeol and Tirsuli pekas
Writing a good Book Review, praising a book or criticising it, is an art, particularly the latter. Thus, the reviewer should have enough experience about the subject, have done his or her research to present it. Now, there are many new avenues like book festivals and book awards for a book to be judged or recognised. Here the Jury decides on the merits of a book, and this adds to the sales value of the book, just as a book review influences a reader to decide to purchase it.
Here are many Book Reviews written by Harish Kapadia on various mountain literature that he has read. Also included are some reviews about his own books, written by others.