Dibrugheta Alp, Kumaun
To a normal man, any high place is an invitation. Of course, not all men can become mountaineers. And though the calculating and practical man of the world has little use for the exploits of the mountaineer, the world owes little to its practical men, whereas great is its debt to its adventurers.
– G. K. CAJ, 1928
– G. K. CAJ, 1928
Short Articles
An active mountaineer who is in the field for a long time, has to record the adventures for refence and record. At least this is what is hoped form him.
Apart from writing about major expeditions, one has to contribute shorter articles and notes, may be for newspapers or magazines. These may be on diverse subjects and the space is always limited for the contributors. The author has to write as per subject offered by an editor of those magazines. That makes it an interesting challenge too.
Devalsari in Garhwal
Here are collection of some such articles contribute by Harish Kapadia to different publications. Sometimes an irrelevant subject can bring forth a new point- like writing and a Radio here !