1000 Himalayan Quiz
1000 HIMALAYAN QUIZ. By Bill Aitken. Pp. 97, 1995. Paperback. (Rupa & Co., New Delhi, Rs. 50).
There are always ‘questions one wanted to ask’ (but, was scared to). Here is a book which would keep someone busy for long time. All the questions are well researched and as the author states, ‘a good quiz should stimulate further inquiry’.The questions cover different areas of the Himalaya and cover a wide range of history, geography and all other things related to the Himalaya. One would have to be a real expert on the Indian Himalaya to solve all 1000 questions.
Bill Aitken is a well known author and an expert on the Indian Himalaya. His love for the mountain and mythology is evident from the questions he asks. The book is dedicated very fittingly to Jack Gibson Clover of mountains, teacher of men’), who taught many men about many aspects of the Himalaya.
Harish Kapadia