Trekking in India
TREKKING IN INDIA. By Gian Chand and Manohar Puri. Pp. 137, 16 maps, 1983. (International Publishers, New Delhi, Rs 75).
This is a guide book that covers the popular places for trekkers in Indian Himalaya (that is except Nepal) and a brief mention of Bhutan. First 40 pages are devoted to introduction and suggestions about various mundane aspects like ‘planning’, ‘clothing’ and ‘environment’. Himachal Pradesh is covered in detail and the other areas are full with suggestions.
Like all other guide books only those areas which are before the ‘inner line* and open to sahibs are covered. A more fascinating and wider trekking area exists beyond this. For the price, the get up and information is routine.
It is only hoped that such books at least give a suggestion to trekkers to visit different areas and save a few popular areas from ruin.