Exploring The Hidden Himalaya
Third Revised and Updated Edition
Soli Mehta – Harish Kapadia
ISBN 978-81-7387-208-2, 2008 | Pp. 224 + 20 maps + 68 plates | Rs. 500 Hard back
The purpose of this book is to excite and inspire the climber and trekker to take advantage of the vast possibilities the Himalaya has to offer. it draws attention to the less familiar and more challenging aspects of the known 7000 and 6000-metre peaks. It concentrates most valuably on the wealth of minor but still extremely rewarding summits, many of them unclimbed and some of them quite unknown, which have been hitherto neglected due to simple ignorance or the difficulty of access. Each region is backed up by photographs and sketch maps, supported by a brief outline of the history of exploration and climbing in that area. It attempts to answer two questions that an enthusiastic climber would want to ask. Where shall I go? What should I climb? All this adds up to an immensely valuable source of reference to the range upon range of named and unnamed peaks crying out for attention.
First published by Hodder & Stoughton, London.