Trek the Sahyadris

SIXTH Revised and Updated Edition

ISBN-978-81-933412-5-4 | Maps-Photo-Sketches | Rs. 450
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Trek the Sahyadris 6th Edition
The SIXTH edition of this popular book “Trek The Sahyadris” is published. It is in print since 1977. The present edition is thoroughly revised, includes many new places and update on information.

The Sahyadris with their rugged topography, historic hills, rocky mountains and pinnacle, huge lakes and extensive forest regions are a virtual paradise for trekking, climbing and camping. Trek The Sahyadris contains practical directions to hundreds of routes in the Western Ghats. It guides one about travel routes, treks, climbing passes, camping places and walks.

This guide will be of great help to all the lovers of outdoor like. This is the only book of its kind on the Western Ghats, based on experience of the author.

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