Pangong Lake, Ladakh
HJ 43 Editorial
ON PAPER, the editorship changes hands once more — it was a condition that Harish Kapadia imposed on me when I handed over the H.J. to him on the eve of my departure for Nigeria — to relieve him on my return.
Harish has been a hard act to follow and I have not fully kept my part of the bargain. In my absence he has improved the coverage and quality of the Journal to an ex tent that needs a team to handle. He has built up and groomed the members of that team (Muslim Contractor, Dhiren Toolsidas to name the most prominent) and soon we should be able to see the younger generation gradually take over from the old. I am banking on this newly formed band of literary-minded mountaineers whose untiring efforts you, the reader, should take to heart. The ‘editor’ has chosen to take the role of a senior counsel, correcting spelling and grammatical errors and using his blue pencil mercilessly when verbose articles have to be cut to size. The checking of heights and other important detail has passed on to the computerized minds of ‘the team’. A member of this energetic team is Shailesh Mahadevia who has relentlessly managed the finances for the Journal. I take this opportunity to say a big ‘Thank You’ to Harish and his team and would like to add ‘for Christ’s sake don’t ever forsake me’. Happy reading to you all you shouldn’t find any difference in the coverage and style.