Sunset from Dhaula Dhar, Kullu
Short Articles
Bill Tilman
HAROLD WILLIAM TILMAN a.k.a. BILL TILMAN, was one of the most prolific adventure writers and great explorer of the Himalaya and Karakoram of the 20th Century. more details…
Hindustan-Tibet Road
Of the many roads built by the British in India, there were perhaps few as ambitious as what was to be very first mountain highway in this part of the world. For that matter, this may well be the first major highway commissioned in India after Sher Shah Suri built the Grant Trunk Road in the 16th century. more details…
The Himalayan Club Tigers
The Himalayan Club, fulfilling its historic role, awarded the “Tiger’s Badge” to those Sherpas who had achieved outstanding success in mountains. The badge was awarded only to a select few, judged by many criteria. more details…
Tragedy In The Kumaun At Malipa
A serious tragedy effected the trekkers and villagers in the Byans Valley of the Eastern Kumaon.
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A Writer and Radio
What you write is dependent on where you write? Or vice versa? Most writers have a favourite place to write.
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At Eighty and at Fifty
Joint celebrations of the Himalayan Club and the Indian Mountaineering Foundation anniversaries at Mumbai.
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Costs of Earlier Trips
Cost of my early trips were very low. First of all all services and travel was very less at that time. Porters we paid Rs 5 or something.
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Creation of HC Archives
The Himalayan Club, since its inception in 1928, has moved to various places. Initially formed in New Delhi, it later moved to Kolkata.
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Environment Terrorists
In mid May, 2006, a group of friends from Mumbai trekked up the Obra Gad in the Western Garhwal. We had visited this valley, found tall grass and few days of heavy rain.
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Grading of Himalayan Treks
The Himalayan Club FB Group is perhaps a largest such gathering of Himalayan enthusiasts and they can play a part in grading of Himalayan treks: I have a question.
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HC Continuing Tradition
And so the Himalayan Club is founded and we hope great things of it; the geographer that the blank spaces on our map may be filled in, the scientist that our knowledge of the Himalaya, its rocks and glaciers, its animals and plants, its peoples and their way of living, may continually expand;
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Himalayan Floods
On night of 15-16 June 2013, scientists at Wadia Institute’s weather stations recorded 315 mm of rain in Kedarnath valley, which is extremely rare for this part of the year.
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I started enjoying the mountains more than 40 years ago. At that time, thoughts of any related honors were far from my mind.
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It Does Not Rain In Northern Kenya
My earliest memories of East Africa are those of when as a child, I saw a Hindi film known for its extravagant dances in which a vamp (during those days it was always the cabaret dancer, Helen) would be singing to a loud tune which would go as “Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika” and suddenly from the wings 10-15 Negroes would jump out shouting “Mombassa, Mombassa, Mombassa” in as hoary a voice as possible.
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Meeting with Prof. Noel Odell
For many years, in various books, I had read about Shipton, Tilman and Odell. They had become my heroes.
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Mobile with Mobile
We were camping in centre of Janglikh village at 2650 m. This was the end of civilization in the Pabar valley for there were no villages beyond
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Small Himalayan Walks
“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts. Thus if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.”
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Ten Mountain Personalities
The Book That Inspires Me
Almost 50 years ago a book dealer known to my father approached him. ‘A Britisher going home for good wants to dispose off most of his climbing books.
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